Rumour: Lite-On Semi Contracted to Supply Fast Wireless Charging Parts for iPhone 8

Rumour: Lite-On Semi Contracted to Supply Fast Wireless Charging Parts for iPhone 8


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Lite On Semi to supply fast wireless charging components for iPhone 8.webp

iDownload Blog reports that according to an article in the Commercial Times, via DigiTimes, Lite-On Semi has signed a component deal to supply Apple with various parts required for fast wireless charging on iPhone 8.

The source says that Lite-On Semi, which is based in Taiwan, has been contracted to manufacture GPP bridge rectifiers to help reduce thermal issue and improve the efficiency of wireless power transmission in the next iPhone.

The report also says that Lite-On Semi has managed to secure 50% of the orders for GPP bridge rectifiers for wireless charging in the iPhone 8. It’s not yet known who will be responsible for the other 50%.

As iDownload Blog notes, Apple is expected to bypass the wireless charging device used for smartphones that currently have that feature, the charging mat, and go straight for distance wireless charging, possibly based on technology developed by Energous, with whom Apple is thought to be partnered.

Source: Lite-On Semi rumored to supply fast wireless charging components for iPhone 8

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