Safari for iOS 5 Found to be Faster Than Windows Phone’s Browser

Safari for iOS 5 Found to be Faster Than Windows Phone’s Browser


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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports today on a benchmarking video that was uploaded to the My Nokia Blog by a YouTube user yesterday, which shows him or her putting the browsers of an iPhone 4, a Lumia 800 Windows Phone, and an iPhone 4S through their paces in benchmark tests. As you can see from the video, the Windows Phone 7 Nokia Lumia 800 did very poorly against the two Apple phones, finishing last in all but one of them, HTML 5 “speed reading.” The unofficial tests saw the iPhone 5S, running the very latest iOS 5 Safari browser, coming out on top in all five tests, and proving to be more than two times as fast as the Lumia in most of the tests. The supremacy of the Apple phone was highlighted most glaringly on the JavaScript-based Sunspider test, with the 4S coming out as more than three times as fast as the Windows 7 phone. Check it all out on the video!

Source: AppleInsider | Archives
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AppleInsider reports today on a benchmarking video that was uploaded to the My Nokia Blog by a YouTube user yesterday, which shows him or her putting the browsers of an iPhone 4, a Lumia 800 Windows Phone, and an iPhone 4S through their paces in benchmark tests. As you can see from the video, the Windows Phone 7 Nokia Lumia 800 did very poorly against the two Apple phones, finishing last in all but one of them, HTML 5 “speed reading.” The unofficial tests saw the iPhone 5S, running the very latest iOS 5 Safari browser, coming out on top in all five tests, and proving to be more than two times as fast as the Lumia in most of the tests. The supremacy of the Apple phone was highlighted most glaringly on the JavaScript-based Sunspider test, with the 4S coming out as more than three times as fast as the Windows 7 phone. Check it all out on the video!

Source: AppleInsider | Archives

Windows is poor compared to apple. Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs. Steve wins hands down for me. And that's being a windows users for over 16 years using windows 95 (remember that piece of junk) and recently converting to apple and safari and wondering what took me so long to convert. If I met bill gates tomorrow I'd slap him for wasting 16 years of my life.

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I try avoid using safari but not being able to set a default browser makes it hard to ignore safari
I try avoid using safari but not being able to set a default browser makes it hard to ignore safari

The way I did it was load safari then the open book mark icon at the bottom click this then set it as google. Now every time safari opens it opens as a google home page. Not perfect but I think you may be able to set any page by adding them to the open book mark. Not sure though never tried it.

there is a tweak in cydia to do so I believe also ^ but that is a good way with out jb

checked and working on ios 5.0.1 (Browser changer)

but back on topic ios safari looks much faster then the other devices browser, its a shame that the ipad got all the good safari upgrades but maybe would slow it down
there is a tweak in cydia to do so I believe also ^ but that is a good way with out jb

checked and working on ios 5.0.1 (Browser changer)

but back on topic ios safari looks much faster then the other devices browser, its a shame that the ipad got all the good safari upgrades but maybe would slow it down

Safari is super fast. Have you ever used google on a windows machine? With the predictive text option now on google if you type "how do I" you have to wait three weeks for google to decide what your going to put. I hate that option and although you can knock it off it always reverts back when you boot the machine back up cos google wants it this way. Safaris google doesn't have this and for this reason alone that's why it's faster and a joy to use!


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