Samsung Sends Film Crews to Study iPhone 5s and 5c Lines

Samsung Sends Film Crews to Study iPhone 5s and 5c Lines


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Jun 18, 2010
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While Samsung has in the past made fun of Apple devotees who are happy to line up for days for the latest iPhone or iPad, it seems that, according to CNET, Apple’s Korean rival is actually quite fascinated with the phenomenon, and is trying to find out why people choose to line up for Apple devices and not their own brand of smartphones.

CNET reports that last Friday Samsung sent some employees down to study the line waiting for the newest iPhones outside Apple’s flagship Fifth Avenue store in New York. CNET says that the Samsung employees did not make themselves known, and did not even talk to any of the fans who were waiting in line. Rather, they simply filmed and photographed the line, and interviewed journalists, asking questions about Apple’s devoted fan base.

According to the report, the Samsung employees wanted to know whether or not the line was longer or shorter than the year before, and if the crowd was more or less excited than the year before. They were, apparently, also interested in whether or not Apple was still a “cool” brand.

“Other companies release new phones, but there’s not as much passion and heat [from customers],” said an anonymous Samsung producer. “It’s only Apple. Why? We’re curious.”

Source: Samsung sends spies to uncover Apple's iPhone line phenom | Mobile - CNET News
Dear Samsung,
The reason folks are willing to stand in line for days at a time for a new iPhone or iPad is because those devices are more valuable. Have you ever seen an iPhone or iPad deal such as "buy one, get one free" similar to the Android phone deals we regularly see? No. Why? Because companies cannot afford to give away valuable devices for free. One has to wonder why iPhones are the top item on a thief's smartphone list.

Kind regards,
Ian MacGregor - ex-Android developer/themer
Samsung lives in a clueless bubble. It is so painfully obvious why Apple has a cult following. It's because they make one phone a year. They make it well enough that the phone will last 5 years bare minimum. And it is made to get major OS upgrades during its lifetime.

Samsung doesn't have a single product that can meet that criteria. And they wonder why....
Samsung lives in a clueless bubble. It is so painfully obvious why Apple has a cult following. It's because they make one phone a year. They make it well enough that the phone will last 5 years bare minimum. And it is made to get major OS upgrades during its lifetime.

Samsung doesn't have a single product that can meet that criteria. And they wonder why....

I completely agree with that I would rather have a phone that works good and didn't crash rather than have tons of choices of new phones that didn't work worth crap. Also I'm not just saying this I have tried three of the galaxy series and none of them compare to Apple

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