Scathing review of Apple by John Gruber

Scathing review of Apple by John Gruber


iPhoneForums News/Reviews
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Jun 29, 2017
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Have you guys seen this article on Daring Fireball?

I found it to be a pretty good summary of my frustrations with Apple Intelligence, and just Apple altogther in the past year. It's a bit of a read, but I would love to hear what you think!
I will say, I love image playground though. I have a blast playing with it, and I find myself using it a lot to generate pictures of people for their birthday or a holiday, or just a picture of my girlfriend with Taco's for Taco Tuesday!
I don't really follow anybody who takes themself so seriously ! I do not use Siri, I was going to wait until it worked properly. So apparently it still doesn't, so what ? it never did before...
I tend to try not to talk to inanimate objects anyway. Why the surprise at tech companies not telling the straight truth, They never did before ...
Someone please let me know when Siri works, search engines don't fiddle the data and online security is, I'll wait.

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