Screen unable to tilt sideways

Screen unable to tilt sideways


Thread Starter
May 21, 2011
Reaction score
Orlando, FL.
You know how when you go to a website, like through Safari, how you can turn your iPhone sideways and the page will turn sideways, also? It enables me to pinch-and-open the text to read better side-to-side. But in the last few days I've noticed that I can't do this anymore with anything (except games that are made specifically for sideways play). Do I need to turn off/turn on, update, or what?
double tap the home button from any screen and swipe all the way to the right,you will see a lock in an arrow,tap the lock.
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Wow - I never would have found that. I wonder why that function is there anyway? If anyone doesn't want to read sideways, just don't tilt it unless your job requires you to ride a roller coaster.
Wow - I never would have found that. I wonder why that function is there anyway? If anyone doesn't want to read sideways, just don't tilt it unless your job requires you to ride a roller coaster.
glad i could help anyway :)

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