Semi-Tethered Jailbreak for iPad 1 (iOS5.1)

Semi-Tethered Jailbreak for iPad 1 (iOS5.1)


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Apr 19, 2012
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I'm pretty new to jailbreaking as I've only had a iPhone 3GS for 6 months, and I just got an iPad 1.If my information is already known, or if there is something better I could have done to get an untethered jailbreak, PLEASE let me know.

I decided to update my iPad before discovered that there is no untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1...

I went ahead and did the RedSnow tethered jailbreak, but really wanted to downgrade my firmware to 5.0.1. Of course, I hadn't saved any SHSH Blobs, so I really couldn't do much.

I then decided to try dump my SHSH Blob from my iPhone 3GS and use it on my iPad 1, since it still has iOS 5.0.1. Here is what I did:

1) I downloaded the newest RedSnow.
2) I dumped my iPhone 3GS SHSH Blobs with iFaith.
3) Built my custom IPSW with iFaith , AND let iFaith download the IPSW for me.
4) I connected my iPad 1.
5) I opened RedSnow.
6) I went to Extras.
7) I used Select IPSW and chose my custom IPSW for my iPhone 3GS.
8) I then went back and clicked Jailbreak.
9) I went through the process of jailbreaking.

What ended up happening is that the jailbreak was successful, but of course the Cydia icon was blank, so I rebooted in DFU mode with RedSnow. Cydia was then working.

I accidentally turned my iPad off and then powered on, without Just Boot on RedSnow. The iPad then turned on! It was able to do everything except use anything from Cydia, open any Cydia apps, or use Safari. However, I could still browse the web if I used something like Opera from the AppStore. Everything else I tried seemed to work as well.

I rebooted using Just Boot on RedSnow, and then all the Cydia apps - including Cydia - began to work. Even Safari is working again (don't download Safari Download Manager, or it won't)!

I am excited as I have not read anything like this on the web, and I've spent hours trying to figure things out and gathering information in an attempt to downgrade to 5.0.1.

I call it semi-tethered because you can turn it on-and-off without a PC, but only if you want to use the iPad 1 like it originally came. I was hoping that this would help whomever is developing an untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.
That wouldn't work. You can't jailbreak an iPad with a 3Gs firmware. Also, redsn0w doesn't allow you to select a custom firmware, you can only choose a factory firmware.

This is the error you would receive if you attempted to select a custom IPSW to jailbreak with(whether it was made with iFaith, sn0wbreeze or redsn0w):


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I would say you're right, but it worked. It was all just a shot in the dark. I select my iPhone's custom built IPSW in RedSnow, then jailbreak with RedSnow, and this is what happens.

I was surprised too, but I was excited to find out I could even do this!

If you need proof, I can make a video showing you how the iPad boots up without tether, and with for the jailbreak. Of course, I wouldn't cut the footage so you could absolutely know it works! I can even show that it states version 5.1.

I don't mean to sound excited, but if you're doubting this, it just makes me think it hasn't been done before.
It hasn't been done before because as I already stated it is not phyiscally possible. Aside from you decompiling Redsn0w, recoding it to accept custom firmware and to be able to jailbreak an iPad with an iPhone firmware and then recompiling it, what you described could not have been done.

In order for you to prove it to me you would have to show me a video of the entire process from the beginning. If you just show me a video of the ipad booting without redsn0w, you could have simply done a tethered jailbreak and installed the semitether package which anyone can do.
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I could definitely do that, however, the building of the custom IPSW with iFaith does take forever (since it has to download from the net), and my 5DMKII stops video after 30 minutes. If you don't mind a small hiccup during that process, then I can record everything from the beginning. Otherwise, maybe I can do a video capture of the screen during that and include that in the video.

Either way, I'm very pleased to hear that this isn't "possible"!

Also, I'm not selecting Custom IPSW in RedSnow, I'm just choosing Select IPSW.
Yes, I know, but if you hit "Select IPSW" and choose a custom firmware, Redsn0w will display an error saying that the firmware is not compatible. It is designed to only function using stock, untouched factory firmware.
Interesting, as I get a confirmation that the "fingerprint" will be used for the rest of the session.

When I do Custom IPSW, then it fails.

I plan on making that video from start (iPhone 3GS dump) to finish (iPad 1 semi-tethered jb) and doing a screen capture for the iFaith download (mixed with the video footage), in case it does go longer than 30 minutes. I will put up something like a clock in the background so that I can't manipulate the footage either.
Interesting, as I get a confirmation that the "fingerprint" will be used for the rest of the session.

When I do Custom IPSW, then it fails.

I plan on making that video from start (iPhone 3GS dump) to finish (iPad 1 semi-tethered jb) and doing a screen capture for the iFaith download (mixed with the video footage), in case it does go longer than 30 minutes. I will put up something like a clock in the background so that I can't manipulate the footage either.

Im just curious........What exactly are you trying to prove here? I am very confused.
I think he is trying to prove that he somehow managed to produce a semi-tethered jailbroken iPad by creating a custom iPhone 3Gs firmware and using that firmware in Redsn0w to jailbreak the iPad..... I really don't know why he would even attempt that since all you need to do is a tethered 5.1 jailbreak with redsn0w and then install the semi-tether package from BigBoss to produce the same result.

I also do not see it being possible to accomplish the way he is claiming to have done it as Redsn0w would simply reject the custom firmware when you tried loading it(as I showed earlier in the thread).
Jmills87 said:
I think he is trying to prove that he somehow managed to produce a semi-tethered jailbroken iPad by creating a custom iPhone 3Gs firmware and using that firmware in Redsn0w to jailbreak the iPad..... I really don't know why he would even attempt that since all you need to do is a tethered 5.1 jailbreak with redsn0w and then install the semi-tether package from BigBoss to produce the same result.

I also do not see it being possible to accomplish the way he is claiming to have done it as Redsn0w would simply reject the custom firmware when you tried loading it(as I showed earlier in the thread).

I completely agree.

Under no circumstances should one have to create a custom IPSW to jailbreak with redsn0w.

Hell, all ya have to do is click the jailbreak button and enter DFU mode. Then boot tethered.

He is basically doing all this stuff for no

Custom IPSW's are made for restoring in iTunes only. Not Jailbreaking. not that I'm pointing that at you, I'm pointing that to the OP. I know you know that jmills.

I also do not see how redsn0w would except a custom IPSW. Just don't make any

And even I'd it did except the custom is completely unnecessary. Like you said.

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