setting a reminder

setting a reminder


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 18, 2014
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I'm fairly new to iPhone. So far I've found that the reminder function isnt optimal. I wonder if I'm just using it wrong?

When I schedule an event in my phone I'd like to be made aware when its coming up. So far I've found that I can set alerts, but if I dont do that there's no reminder. If I check my schedule it'll be there, but thats about it. With setting alerts, I can do that but its an extra step. With my Blackberry I didnt need to do that.

Another issue, this one I dont think we'll be able to do anything about but it'd be awesome if we can. For Facebook events a lot of them are random ones that I never signed up for, just got invited to. Is there some way to remove the irrelevant ones from my calendar while still keeping the relevant ones? For example if some random FB group invites me to a conference call on say the law of attraction I dont need to hear about such nonsense (esp when I've never clicked join group or yes i'll attend). If I have a party to go to on the other hand, I'd very much like a reminder.


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