Setup of Iphone 4s and the problems I had

Setup of Iphone 4s and the problems I had


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Oct 7, 2011
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During setup of my 4s I chose to use a previous backup from my Ipad2 from Icloud. When it was finished I hooked up to Itunes to download the music and photos. Finished manually setting up things in the Settings menu and started playing with it. First thing I noticed was there was no Facetime Icon. Searched here and did everything said to get it back but no luck. Then I also noticed Siri did NOT work. So Put phone back to out of the box condition and set it up as a new phone not using any of the backups. While it was doing it thing resetting to stock I read the booklet that came with it and found out that facetime has NO icon like the Ipad2. You go into contacts and there is a button to connect in facetime. Du, as I tell everyone else, READ THE BOOK. Guess I should take my own advice. Also got back Siri and it works. Then I hooked it up to Itunes and let it do its thing and it downloaded al the photos, music and a whole lot more of my apps than it did the first time. So my advice is to set it up as a new device and then hook to Itunes first time.