If you're due for a new phone, 5 is still an upgrade from a 4 and will still work regards of what network you're on. And as mentioned before, if you are the type that switches out your phone after 2+ yrs, it's best you get the 5 now to stay with the growing technology. Or you can always wait until the 5s comes out and get the 5 for cheaper. I'm sure all phones after the 5 will be using their lightning connector and LTE network so it would be nice to have the feature to use LTE before it comes to your area, so right when it comes to your area, you can be the first to use it. However, if it comes after 2+ yrs, hmmm that would kind of suck, but that's just one feature you're only missing out. Guess you're going to have to think about the pros and cons. Good luck deciding.