Might be that the pathing of the signal bars theme is wrong. Make sure that it's in root/Library/Themes/ThemeNameHere/UIImages
Plus, remember that if you want your theme to be complete, you'll have to cover all the angles, meaning all the different backgrounds: [Black/Silver]_[0 through 5]_Bars.png
Nope. You can actually create the theme itself. For example, we'll call your signal bar theme SIGbars. Head over to root/Library/Themes/ and create a folder called SIGbars. Your result will be root/Library/Themes/SIGbars. Now inside the SIGbars folder, create another folder called UIImages. Result would be root/Library/Themes/SIGbars/UIImages/. Just drag and drop all 12 of your images in there (black 0-5 and silver 0-5), head over to Winterboard, look for SIGbars on the list of themes, and enable it and of course respring.
If you want to modify an existing one on a theme you already have, you can just change it within the theme's folder. So say I want to edit the Boss.iOS signal bars. I would head over to root/Library/Themes/Boss.iOS/UIImages and swap out the black 0-5 and silver 0-5 png files with the ones that I want. Keep the names as black and silver_0-5_bars.png (black_0_bars.png, black_1_bars.png, silver_0_bars.png, silver_1_bars.png, etc etc) and just replace the ones that're already in the file. Respring your device.
Yup that's it. You'll have to make sure that they're connected on the same network at home or work or wherever so that they can interact with one another wirelessly. Make sure that with PuTTy that you tick the SSH option instead of the Command option before connecting, or you'll open up the "Command Prompt" feature of PuTTy
Yup that's it. You'll have to make sure that they're connected on the same network at home or work or wherever so that they can interact with one another wirelessly. Make sure that with PuTTy that you tick the SSH option instead of the Command option before connecting, or you'll open up the "Command Prompt" feature of PuTTy
Oooh..... I thought you meant the actual bars of signal. You're referring to the status bar on the top of the screen.
Carrier logos can be changed using Zeppelin from Cydia.
The rest should be in root/Library/Themes/ThemeName/UIImages.
4G's name is ColorOnGrayShadow_DataType4G@2x.png
LTE's name is ColorOnGrayShadow_DataTypeLTE@2x.png
Wifi is ColorOnGrayShadow_1_WifiBars@2x.png (1 2 and 3)
Then also create a WhiteOnBlackEtch_ version of everything so that you don't only get the theme half the time as your status bar color changes.
I'll provide a slightly larger list in due time, a little busy at work just walking in.