


Thread Starter
Jul 19, 2011
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My wife and I both have the Iphone 7 plus. Identical phones. I have noticed that when we are out she is able to get some reception I cannot. For example, today we were at lunch and sitting outside when I tried to look at Yahoo Weather app. No dice. Nothing showing. Her phone on the same app worked as it should. We have ATT and had a couple of dots of signal, wifi was strong, etc. It's also happened with other apps like CNN and FB. I have tried looking at what I thought it might be by comparing settings. No luck. Are there some key things/apps that might cause this? I realize this is sketchy but don't know what else to do aside from going to the Apple Store.
Hate to disappoint but not personality. Cases are not metallic but next time it happens I will remove my case to see if any difference.
Probably just random. Some days I can't load weather either, and I have a really strong signal almost everywhere I'm at. Sometimes it just wont load. FB and Instagram too, sometimes they just won't refresh or load, no matter how good my signal is. I think it's the app and not the signal, but who knows.
The case is an Otterbox Symmettry and, to my knowledge, has no metal. Going to use another case and see if any difference. I will also try the Airplane mode deal.
Thanks for the replies and suggestions.
Also you can try resetting your network settings under Settings/General/Reset. Which will be at the bottom of the screen. Here is a screen shot of what I mean.

Hope this helps. Good luck. Hope you get it resolved.
I was eating lunch at a fast food joint and same old problem. This time I was close to the Apple Store so I decided to torment them. They listened and said a rep would call and he did. Wanted to know IOS version and while I thought I was up to date I was not as a new version released last night. Told me to do the Network reset as suggested above and then do the update when I got home. Doing that now so we shall see. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions.
We were at dinner last night at Applebee's and same old problem. Phone kept "looking" for new mail and FB not refreshing. They had wifi there but on a whim I turned it off and within seconds everything loaded right up. I am no techo geek so not sure why it worked but had the LTE logo and no problems. It only does this (wifi) at some places so maybe their wifi is not strong or whatever. We will see if this splves the problem when at other places.
We were at dinner last night at Applebee's and same old problem. Phone kept "looking" for new mail and FB not refreshing. They had wifi there but on a whim I turned it off and within seconds everything loaded right up. I am no techo geek so not sure why it worked but had the LTE logo and no problems. It only does this (wifi) at some places so maybe their wifi is not strong or whatever. We will see if this splves the problem when at other places.
I've noticed that many public WiFi hotspots don't have sufficient bandwidth to handle normal traffic levels. A lot are so slow that a web page won't load.
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I run into that a lot here too (except it is my work's bandwidth). I just leave my wifi off all the time on my 6S Plus so I don't forget and get caught out not really connected.

I should have thought of this as a possibility but I don't even think about it anymore, with wifi off, darn - sorry I missed it.

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