Skyfire! Whats your opinion?

Skyfire! Whats your opinion?


Thread Starter
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
The new skyfire web browser app was just released. Whats your opinion of it? Like it? Hate it? Worth the 3 bucks? Slower/faster? Good or downright ugly ui? Lemme know!
Don't like it much. No full screen option while browsing. Since I am using Atomic which I think is the best browser, flash isn't important to me that much yet.
It annoys me to look at a loading screen whenever i open the damn thing. And yeah, no full screen option. Also, its not even true flash. I mean, technically, its supposed to be html5 but even still, its not even true html5.
On the app description there is a an ((early adopter price)) highlight. For $2.99? What's it go up to after that? I would think that would be the full price. Anymore is crazy !!
I knew their servers wouldnnt be able to handle it no matter how much they prepared.
wow i was really hoping this would have worked out, i was waiting on someone to give a full review. If anyone has a full review let me know.
Posted a review. Its my first review ive ever done... On anything... And i rushed through it so bare with me if i missed anything or was incorrect. And please add anything you think i might have missed.

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