Skype iOS Apps Get Photo Sharing With New Update

Skype iOS Apps Get Photo Sharing With New Update


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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The Skype blog has announced today that Skype’s popular iOS apps have just been updated with several new features, including Photo Sharing for iOS, which Skype says has been “frequently requested.” The new feature will let the user send photos that they’ve shot on their iPad or iPhone directly to other users, such as friends or family members, via Skype. Skype says there is no size limit, so you can send photos without worrying about email size limits or MMS costs. Skype says that it has also been working to improve the apps’ overall performance, with the previous update making the apps “less battery hungry” for those people who like to keep Skype open and running in the background all day. These performance enhancements continue with this latest update, and the new release also includes an improved app start and faster loading contact list.

Click here to download for iPad: Skype for iPad for iPad on the iTunes App Store

Click here to download for iPhone: App Store - Skype

Source: Skype - The Big Blog - Updates to Skype for iPhone & Skype for iPad Improves Performance & Adds Photo Sharing
Via The Next Web
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