SMS, MMS on iPhone 5

SMS, MMS on iPhone 5


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Nov 26, 2012
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Since I'm a new Apple iPhone user, I'm totally confused regarding SMS and MMS messaging. People that I text are complaining that my text messages are showing up as picture messages. I suspect this has something to do with the way my phone is set up with either SMS or MMS. I'm assuming that by disabling MMS, my text messages will be received as regular text messages. Can someone set me straight with this issue. Thanks!
Are the people you are texting using older phones? Or are you sending text messages that are longer than 159 characters?
Usually if the text is more than the character count it sends as mms if I can remember that far back


Sent from my Black, 16GB, iPhone 5 using Tapatalk.
The specification for SMS is 160 characters. At 161 it should be turned into an MMS which can then go to 1000 characters. But there were/are older dumb, feature and very early Android phones that would take any legit SMS from an iPhone and treat it as MMS. Never took the time to figure out why, but I had to deal with it back in 2009.
Oh so long ago right ;)


Sent from my Black, 16GB, iPhone 5 using Tapatalk.

Considering in that time frame I have owned and used the Droid, Droid X, iPhone 4, 4S and 5 as well as being a developer for iOS and Android and a consultant to 3 different ROM teams on Android which required me to pour over 100K plus lines of source code to figure out CPU governors and overclocking? Yeah its feels like a life time ago actually. LOL.
Are the people you are texting using older phones? Or are you sending text messages that are longer than 159 characters?

Its a safe bet that the phones are older, but I'm definitely not sending over 159 characters in my text messages.
Being a former moderator in an android forum the question of text message issues came up frequently. IMHO I believe it's either a problem with your provider or a problem with whomever you are sending the text to provider.

Now if the people you send to have AT&T or you do then I would be highly suspicious. Why with your iPhone? Don't know, same with people with Android phones.

And you can add Blackberry to the list as well.
I installed an app called CharCounter so I know if my SMS messages are longer, as I've come from VZW Android and my AT&T iOS friends 160+ messages would get cut off and the rest would not be delivered. Sprint always broke into multiple messages.

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