So who has the least expensive Pay As You Go, that'll work on the iPhone ?

So who has the least expensive Pay As You Go, that'll work on the iPhone ?


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May 7, 2012
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Hi, and since this is my first post, let me start off by saying hi to everyone !! :p:p

I will soon have a spare AT&T iPhone 4S, that is currently locked to AT&T. I'm getting a new larger capacity phone and would like to give my wife my old one.. EXCEPT, she's currently only on a crappy pay as you go Net10... We like the pay as you go, cos she's currently only paying $15 per month @ 10c per min. This is enough for her usage.. She doesn't need 3G, data packages etc.. We'd be happy just giving her 150mins per month and have her rely on wifi for any data needed.

I know I'll need to jailbrake it to carrier unlock it, and I'm sure with the help of these forums, i'll figure that out. I'll also need to find a different service provider if I can't use Net10?

Who can I use? and who's the least expensive, that'll work on a jailbroken iPhone ? Has anyone done any cost analysis on who's the least expensive pay as you go service that you can use on an iPhone? Would I even be able to use net10? and keep her existing number? or is that too much wishful thinking?

Another question, is how will the phone work without data, will the GPS work? Or doesn't that need a special combination of data and GPS ? Has anyone accomplished something similar to what I'm trying to achieve?

Opinions and advice welcomed.
Thanks after a little research and given the fact the phone is indeed on 5.1, i've decided to just get her a Straight Talk unlimited pay as you go for $45 and change the APN settings, and not bother with the MMS.... Its $30 more per month than what she's (or really me, considering she's a stay at home!!!) currently paying.. but hopefully she'll make it up to me ;o)

SIM and one month plan are already ordered.
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