software similar to copytrans manager which runs on OS X wanted

software similar to copytrans manager which runs on OS X wanted


New Member
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Nov 27, 2011
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I am looking for a way to manually manage my JB Iphone 4S without using iTunes on my Macbook Air Pro OS X 10.7.3.
Something like Copytrans Manager would be great but it only runs on Win.
I have Ifunbox but not sure if that's the tool to do what I want namely upload / delete songs and apps. If it is, then where are my music/audiobooks located in the iPhone 4S file structure?
I've used it before to transfer ringtones and that works fine but I don't know if deleting/adding songs/audiobooks would mess up the thing nor where they are located.
No , I had not but I have installed but cannot find the music/audiobooks folder .... little bit more help needed perhaps.......