Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth Out July 15th on iPhone

Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth Out July 15th on iPhone


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Jun 18, 2010
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THQ Wireless is releasing a Star Wars Tower Defence game called Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth, to commemorate the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back, according to official Star Wars blog, | Home Page. The game will be released on July 15th for iPhone and iPod touch for $2.99, and an iPad version will also be coming in August.

The game, which is being developed by Fluffy Logic, sees players taking on the role of the commander of the Rebel forces as they defend shield generators from the Imperial ground army. Featuring 15 levels, 2 game modes (Classic and Fortress) and 2 difficulty settings, it plays very much like a traditional Tower Defence game, with players using strategic thinking to place defensive units, including troops, snowspeeders, X-wings and ion cannons, where they can most effectively protect the generators from the advancing enemy hordes.

"Just in time for the 30th anniversary celebration of The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth offers an exciting, strategic gaming experience for fans of the original Star Wars series."

Adam Comiskey, Vice President, THQ Wireless.

I've always been a fan of star wars games. I probably will end up picking this one up when it comes out. Anyone else?
sweet thanks for the info. i will also idan. i love the star wars games from knights of the old republic and the latest unleashed ones for the ps3 are amazing

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