Strong Customer Interest in Apple Pay Reported by Retailers

Strong Customer Interest in Apple Pay Reported by Retailers


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Jun 18, 2010
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Although some retailers have been reluctant to get on board with Apple’s new Apple Pay service, many others have shown no hesitation whatsoever in getting involved, and they may well have made the right decision, as it looks as though the mobile payment service is already proving to be a big hit with customers.

AppleInsider reports that The New York Times says that Apple Pay transaction statistics from major retailers in the U.S. show that customer interest is much higher than for any other previous attempts at a mobile payment service from companies such as Google, for example.

The New York Times also says that customer interest in Apple Pay has cause competitors to become more aware of mobile payment options.

Following on from last week’s report that Apple Pay now makes up 1% of all transactions at Whole Foods, The New York Times says that Whole Foods has dealt with over 150,000 transactions via Apple Pay for iPhone.

Further, MacDonald’s says that Apple Pay accounts for half of its “tap-and-pay” transactions, and Walgreens reports that digital wallet purchases have doubled since Apple Pay started at the end of October.

Other retailers were more cautious in their reports on Apple Pay, however, with Toys R Us saying that mobile payments in store had only increased slightly since the launch of Apple Pay.

Source: AppleInsider
The New York Times
Picture credit: AP
I get so excited every time I get a chance to use Apple Pay. The first time, I went way out of my way to buy something at the Apple store, then returned it just so I could get a chance to pay with my phone. I also went and picked up some candy corn from Walgreens before Halloween (mostly just so I could use Apple Pay). Calories were well worth it. :cool:

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