Subscribing to a podcast ?

Subscribing to a podcast ?


New Member
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Mar 11, 2012
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I haven't been able to figure out how to subscribe to a podcast using just my iPhone. I know how to do it through iTunes, but I don't want to have to do that. I can manually download the episodes just fine, but I'd like to be able to subscribe and receive new episodes automatically. I don't see a way either in the iTunes app or in the Music app to do so. What am I missing?

Also, I'm curious about in the Music app (this is iOS 5), when I open the More tab and hit Edit, what the heck is that screen I get. It's got a bunch of grayed icons that don't do anything. I'm somewhat assuming that it's because I don't have any music on the iPhone yet (just got it yesterday), but I was hoping that the Podcast icon would help me with subscribing.

Thanks a bunch!

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