Abu Dawud Sulaiman bin Ash'ath Ibn Ishaq was The Imam of the scholars of Hadith in his time and the author of Sunan Abi Dawud, Born in 202 H , He was Interested in collecting Ahadith which quoted by scholars, And ‘Scholars of the regions’ who builded The decisions on it. He had a Method which was like the companions’ methods about following the prophet’ Sunnah and recognized it. Ibn El- Arabi said: If a man didn't have the science, but have the book of Allaah, then this book_ is intended to_ Sunan Abi Dawud -he will never need something of a science anymore, he died in Basra in 275.
Description of The Application :
This application is an organized reader and search engine in both Arabic and English divided to categories and chapters, to enable you find right ahadith about all your life topics. It enables you also spread our Prophet's ahadith by Facebook, Twitter, email, or SMS.
* Browse the Full book with the both Arabic and English languages by just a touch.
* The book is divided to books, Chapters and Ahadith.
* You can add any numbers of Ahadith to your (favorite Icon) to read it later easily.
* We encourage you spread our Prophet's sayings by giving you 3 methods you can use to send ahadith to friends: Facebook, Twitter, Email, or SMS.
* Powerful search engine in both Arabic and English.
* Browse The Ahadith with Sanad & Matn (Sanad & Hadith) and you can also disappear “the sanad” as you like.
* You can browse The Ahadith with formation or not formation for easily reading.
* Control the font’ size easily.
* Enjoy (Hadith of the day) option – The app will browse a new hadith everytime while you open it – you can use this option or disappear it from the settings as you like.
* Type your notes on every Hadith to return to it later.
* Send us your suggests or problems about the App & we’ll take care that immediately.
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