Sync multiple iPods / iPads

Sync multiple iPods / iPads


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Feb 22, 2011
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Question about using iTunes for more than one device. Will iTunes let me sync each one without putting same stuff on all devices. I want to put diff music on each
I have 2 iPods and one iPhone... No problem with pods but I think you can only have one iPhone on iTunes
You can have multiple iPhones, iPods and iPads on iTunes; they are recognized by iTunes as separate entities and you can sync them with different apps, music, movies, etc.

Just keep them with different names (mainly, so you won't be confused as to which is which) and you'll have no problems maintaining them with separate data/media.

westie3130 said:
sorry. I have an iPod shuffle synced to iTunes on one computer, and an iPod touch synced to another computer. I want to use the iPod shuffle on the computer with the iPod touch. Any way to do this? Can iTunes on one computer recognize two different iPods? Thanks.

Then you will have to restore the iPod to the computers you wish to sync them with.

Remember to transfer music via hard drive or i-Funbox. Or the store music in the partition of your phone and transfer to the I r computer you use, making a separate playlist for each device. Then Restore each device on the computer you transferred all music to.
Then you will have to restore the iPod to the computers you wish to sync them with.

Remember to transfer music via hard drive or i-Funbox. Or the store music in the partition of your phone and transfer to the I r computer you use, making a separate playlist for each device. Then Restore each device on the computer you transferred all music to.

Reading that ^^ nothing ever is simple with iTunes. Make this, make that, restore this, restore that. The maker of iTunes has no concept of what the average joe knows. But i the maker understands it so should you was his motto!

Way it is w/ iDevices man.

You might be able to just Authorize each device for the computer you want to use, transfer songs, from each device to its own playlist, but usually cannot drag songs to the device just by authorizing it under the "store" tab on top left of iTunes. Just transfer from device. But might be different w/ iPod Nano.

It actually is pretty simple, just have to get use to.

I restore and set up as new every time, and it's easy cuz I'm use to it.
OK- thanks everyone. I guess I will just have to transfer my podcasts from my shuffle to my computer with the touch, and just sync the touch to my computer. Happy Holidays.