The iPhone 5 Was Steve Jobs’ Last Major Project and Will be a “Cult Classic”

The iPhone 5 Was Steve Jobs’ Last Major Project and Will be a “Cult Classic”


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Jun 18, 2010
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Now that the iPhone 4S has been out a good few days, it’s high time the speculation about the next iPhone starts! With the iPhone 4S being more of an upgrade (albeit a very impressive one) rather than an entirely new phone, commentators in the industry are now looking to the future and the next iPhone. CNET has a very interesting article on the subject, which says that the next iPhone, possibly the iPhone 5 although of course that name is by no means set in stone, was the last major project that Steve Jobs was involved in fully, from concept through to final design. The information comes courtesy of Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ashok Kumar, who says that he expects the iPhone 5 to be a “cult classic” because of the importance of Jobs’ involvement. Kumar says that the phone will be slimmer, with a bigger screen, but the same dimensions as the iPhone 4S, and it will also have LTE. Another CNET source also said that the iPhone 5 will be a “complete redesign”. The source adds that it was the iPhone 5, rather than the iPhone 4S, that Jobs devoted all his time and attention to, and that he had limited involvement with the iPhone 4S. Kumar adds that the next iPhone will most likely be launched at Apple’s Developer’s Conference in Summer 2012.

Source: Steve Jobs' last big project: The next iPhone | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News
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I think the next gen phone will have a re design along with features like 3D and probably the 8mp camera will stay the same. but who knows its a long year away and I will for sure be buying it.. the iphone 4GS? :D I think its more likely to be called that rather then 5 or 4G maybe

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