The iPhone is 10 Years Old Today

The iPhone is 10 Years Old Today


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MacRumors reminds us that January 9, 2017, is the 10-year anniversary of the unveiling of the first iPhone by the late Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs at Macworld in San Francisco.

In what has since become a legendary speech, Jobs talked about three separate products–iPod, mobile phone, and internet device–before making the shock announcement that this was just one product, the iPhone.

Six months after that, the iPhone went on sale for the first time. Since then, Apple has sold more than 1 billion phones worldwide, and the iPhone is Apple’s most successful product in its history, still making up 60% of Apple’s overall revenue in the last quarter.

Speaking about the anniversary, Apple CEO Tim Cook said “iPhone is an essential part of our customers’ lives, and today more than ever it is redefining the way we communicate, entertain, work and live. iPhone set the standard for mobile computing in its first decade and we are just getting started. The best is yet to come.”

“It is amazing that from the very first iPhone through to today’s newest iPhone 7 Plus, it has remained the gold standard by which all other smartphones are judged,” added Philip Schiller, senior vice president of marketing at Apple. “For many of us, iPhone has become the most essential device in our lives and we love it.”

He’s not wrong there!

Source: 10 Years Ago Today: Steve Jobs Introduces the iPhone
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Wow! Hard to remember the "pre-iPhone" days [emoji12]

It's hard to remember why we were so excited about every Nokia / Samsung / Moto release back then. The hardware changed but I'm not sure the software was ever all that different.
I remember pre-landline days. They existed but no-one had one. People used to walk to each other's houses to have a chat. Imagine that?
And if they lived too far away from each other to walk over for a talk they wrote letters to each other. With twice a day delivery, you could receive an answer the same day.
Can't remember it, before my time but have it on TV were people go into other people's houses to use their phones on the wall. Then have a gossip and tea or coffee or help with the washing up.

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