The Magic Labyrinth Game Out Soon for iPhone, iPad

The Magic Labyrinth Game Out Soon for iPhone, iPad


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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The Magic Labyrinth is a board game that was voted the Children's Game of the Year in 2009 in Germany, and went on to be a big hit on the DS, and is now coming to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch this August (date still TBA) at an introductory price of £1.79/$2.99/€2.39. In the game, the player collects magic symbols by moving little wizard's apprentices. However, their progress around the field of play is hampered by invisible walls, whose location the player must commit to memory so that they can avoid them.

The iPhone/iPad version of the game has two game modes with several difficulty levels, which can be further varied using barriers. In "Look Out!" mode, players must collect as many magic symbols as possible, without bumping into the invisible walls more than ten times. In "Hurry Up!" mode, speed is of the essence, with the player having to collect as many magic symbols as possible before the clock runs out.


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