The seven types of iPhone Users ;)

The seven types of iPhone Users ;)

Those descriptions are pretty much on the money. I fall somewhere between the overuser and the hacker. Which one are you?

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I feel I'm a little of both. Minus the complainer.

~Tech Obsessed Mom~
iPhone 5 - Black - 16GB
<3 Jailbroken w/ envisi0n <3

"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down." - Wilson Mizner

Tapatalk Yo! :)
fanboy without the stinky tee shirt, without all the previous versions of iPhone as I only have iPhone 4. I guess I am obsessed as I as I am always on my iPad, iPod.

Overuser as I can download a bunch of apps on my iPhone / iPad when I am bored, some of them paid, then delete when I realize I no longer need / want them. Text, Tweet, surf, Facebook (mine and Miles'), etc. Bought two cases (not fun) because each of them fell apart now using earbud case as I am tired of buying new cases for an old phone.

Hacker because I will find all kinds of uses for my phone other than making calls. Used to steam Netflix on it so I can keep my iPad free to use while watching the movie and also remote control, free texting, free Internet calling apps when I do use the phone, my only camera, tethering device (ditched my single iPad data plan which comes in handy when I have no access to wifi). I don't jailbreak though.

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haha love it..! I am the over user..

I do have apple shirts though *hides* LOL but I never wear them. and an apple manager gave them to me.

I'm between overuser and almost fan girl? Money is the only deterrent to being a full blown fan girl/ overuser. I have nearly a thousand apps!! I wish there was an apple device with 1 TB memory to be able to carry all my music, apps, movies etc... But then I suppose that wouldn't be enough either. Lol.

I agree! finally some one who wants more space.. every one seems to be happy with the low end models with cloud services.. next I bet will have 128 since the ipad has it now.
haha love it..! I am the over user..

I do have apple shirts though *hides* LOL but I never wear them. and an apple manager gave them to me.

I agree! finally some one who wants more space.. every one seems to be happy with the low end models with cloud services.. next I bet will have 128 since the ipad has it now.

If I could afford it, I would buy it in a heart beat. Never too much space. iCloud is all very well but you have to keep downloading it and that takes time and money. I have a laptop for that and if there was a large enough memory, even that would be obsolete. We need the iPad to be THE laptop to go to!
...but you must still have a fondness for Apple and iphones, since you still remain as member at both this site and ipadforums! Yes?

I still own an ipad. I recently have jailbroken my ipad but to be fair, even with themes and so on its still not as good as my note 2.

I still come on here because its the best way to find out about up and coming apple products. I like apple products but won't return until the up their game. They are not on par with what I own now.