The Vocab App: The future of vocab learning

The Vocab App: The future of vocab learning


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May 22, 2014
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The future of vocab learning.

Now FREE for a limited time only to celebrate 1 year since release! :D

Get it here.

Learn vocabulary lists in any language of your choice! You simply type your lists (in the app or on a computer) and it helps you to learn them.

iCloud integration, sharing of lists via Bluetooth and email, various types of test, typing lists on computer and much more!

Be sure to tell all your friends about it!



- Write your lists from the app itself or even on your computer (by using a special format, see the website for more info)
- Keep your vocab organised by separating it as lists.
- Keep track of the words you get wrong.
- Learn via tests or flashcard-based system.
- NEW "Boost" feature helps you to cram those last words before the real test in class.
- iCloud integration to seamlessly sync lists across your devices.
- Ability to be tested only on the words you get wrong.
- Ability to erase the words you got right.
- Share your lists with other people via Bluetooth and email*!

*Please note: in order to share your lists, you can either send them via Bluetooth or email and then use the "open with" feature to load them, or you can connect your device to your computer. In iTunes, you can view the app's "documents" folder and upload/download lists of vocab (".vocab" files). You can then distribute them manually, however manual distribution is unavailable if you choose to use iCloud.

The format is "word#meaning"

e.g. bonjour#hello

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While we welcome the announcement of your new app, the only links allowed in an app announcement are. Direct link to the app in the App Store and/or a YouTube link showing the app operation.