Theme Organizer within Winterboard?

Theme Organizer within Winterboard?


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Mar 13, 2012
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I have a lot of Themes in Winterboard on my JB 4S 5.0.1
I was wondering if anybody knew of a Cydia app that will allow me to organize all of these Themes/Theme Parts?
For instance, sometimes after you install a theme, you have anywhere from 1-10 files (LS, Clock, Battery, etc., etc.).
I'd like a way to organize all of the Battery themes together....all of the LS's together....all of the Clocks together...etc., etc. So that instead of scrolling down page after page of Theme Parts, I can go to a category instead to quickly find (for example) all of the Clock options I have.

So, basically I'm looking for something like "Folder Enhancer" that will work within Winterboard.

Does such a thing exist?


although winterboard can be really confusing for most people esp those who are new to it unfortunately there isn't any app to organize it, yet. it is important that you do keep your active winterboard themes grouped together at the top of the list though. my only recommendation is too delete the themes you know that you will most likely never use.
All you need to do is combine all of the theme folders that you want to use into a single theme folder. For instance, if you want the lockscreen, wallpaper, icons and iOS5 changes just take all the files and folders from within those separate folders and combine them into a single theme folder.

You can use iFile on the device itself or you can use iFunBox on your computer.
I'm with ijaulbreak4fun - you do want to keep your active themes sorted at the top to that they work best (cause Winterboard layers active themes, starting at the top).

However, for those themes you don't have checked as active, you can just move them around yourself within the Winterboard app. On the right side of every theme line are three gray lines. Press and hold any one and you can move that line up or down the list. So, you can sort them into whatever order you wish.

Then, when/if you decide to make a theme part active, after you check it, move it to the top (or the reverse - when you uncheck a theme, put it back with the others in your self-built category area).


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