Tracking stolen iphone with IMEI code?

Tracking stolen iphone with IMEI code?


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Jul 13, 2011
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So.. this is what happened.
I had my iphone stolen right out of my hoodie pocket in the arcade, and
now I am in a tough situation, because the sim was on a contract, which is still running as I speak.

Fortunately, I know the serial number and the IMEI number for my phone and I thought I may be able to trace my stolen phone with my service provider or the police.

Pretty much, long story short, the police said they can't do anything and told me to go to my service provider and vice versa. Pretty much, due to privacy issues, tracking a stolen phone with the IMEI code is illegal. Thievs have rights too apparantely, so they suggested that I block the IMEI so the thief will not be able to use the phone.

However, I thought I would do whatever I can to find the phone myself, as I know it isn't impossible to track cellphones and decided not to block the IMEI number. Because, if the phone is not being used at all I have no chance of finding it again, whereas, if a different simcard is inserted later on, I thought I might have a chance to find the device.

I am no expert in this area, so I don't know where to begin, but I would like to know if there are any tech experts out there that knows how to find the cellphone number of the device just with the IMEI code.

Or, if it is possible to load the same IMEI code on a different iphone 4 (my roommate's who will be more than happy to help if this works) so that I will be able to see the activities on my iphone on a different phone to find it that way.

Or.. if anyone has any other solutions or ideas..
Dude, Let it go. Its gone. Report your device stolen so the IMEI can no longer be used. If you happen to find out who has your phone, do you think they are going to say "Ah, you got me. Here's you phone back"
I dont know where you live, but in Oklahoma where I'm from, you can report it to the police, and the police can call your service provider and get it tracked, getting the police to donthat is one thing, but it cam be tracked, now if you have the find my iPhone app installed you can locate it yourself, but those are some options, your only other option is have the phone shut off and buy another one.
I have lost mine too last month, it was too dear dat im have/not buying new phone, boughted 1st ever phone on 25th birthday. Service provider n police cant help other that asking to block phone. Well if im not getting my phone back what is the point of making it brick/dead let it Live. I'll wait for some solutiion to appear if I get a time wud look in hacking in to network too got an Engineer's mind! to track IMEI.

Lets us know if any one have any idea to track it back...
To anyone who has had their iphone stolen and their service provider cannot help, this is the best method to find your phone.
This will not guarantee that you will find your phone so I will not be held responsible if this doesnt work. All I will say is that it has worked for me.

Think logically.

If someone has stolen your iphone in most likely cases, the theif will be aware of the whole IMEI number business.

This means in most cases the theif will sell your stolen phone to someone else before the actual owner reports it stolen.

When your iphone is stolen do not report the IMEI number straight away. Wait a couple of weeks before you report it.

Hopefully, by this time your phone will be in the hands of a new owner who has no idea that the phone has been stolen and he or she has been using the phone for some time.

Lets assume that you bought a cellphone through a private sale and it stopped working what would you do? You would try to contact the person you bought the phone off. Obviously you wont get a reply. Then you would be like... ****.. wtf should i do.. the fone was working until yesterday... So.. you would go to the service provider and ask whats going on..

When this happens your service provider will know exactly that that phone has been stolen.

Make regular visits to your service provider and hopefully someone has visited the service provider with your stolen phone and you will be informed.

I do realise that this method only works assuming that the phone was not taken overseas and that the same service provider is used.

I found my phone like this and I believe it is the best method for increasing your chances to find your precious phone.

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