Transfer Music to my newly jailbroken 4s

Transfer Music to my newly jailbroken 4s


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Oct 18, 2011
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Can anyone help me figure out what the correct file path is on my iphone 4s? I have been able to figure out where to put my books on it using Stanza, however, I can't seem to figure out which actual file to drop the music in......I have tried Ifunbox and Iexplorer both without any luck. I can transfer the files on the computer, but when I look in my ipod, they are not there. I have used the path: Var/Mobile/Media/Itunes_Control in the raw file system. Is there another add-on tweak I should use from Cydia? Everything else in the jailbreak seems to work great! Thank you in advance for any help :)
I'm not sure how to do that because when I open Itunes, the only option I have is to restore my iphone from a back-up. Doesn't that negate my jailbreak? Sorry if this is really newbie of me, it's my first jailbreak.
No............The only option in Itunes is restore from my back-up.
You have to sync the music from the original computer you used to set up the iPhone. Each phone can only be tied to one account at a time.
You don't have to sync really. If you ripped or got your music elsewhere, just drag and drop the music onto the iPhone "About" screen that you see with the Restore, etc etc, or drag and hover over your iPhone on the left taskbar of iTunes until the red circle or the lag to verify that the files are compatible with the iPhone, then drop. Syncing it using the sync button on the bottom right only works with 1 device at a time. Dragging and dropping lets you use multiple devices. As for multiple iPhones on the same PC using the same AppleID, you'd need to fudge some things to get around the restrictions.
You don't have to sync really. If you ripped or got your music elsewhere, just drag and drop the music onto the iPhone "About" screen that you see with the Restore, etc etc, or drag and hover over your iPhone on the left taskbar of iTunes until the red circle or the lag to verify that the files are compatible with the iPhone, then drop.

That is still considered syncing, and that will only work if the OP has "manually manage music" enabled.