Transferring App Data?

Transferring App Data?


New Member
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Aug 12, 2010
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So not sure if this is in the right place but here it goes lol.

I recently bought a new computer and transfered all my music to my new itunes using sharepod but heres the question about the apps. I transfered all my apps to my new itunes as well by just clicking transfer purchases and now i want to sync the whole thing but when i click sync, itunes asks me if i want to delete all my apps and sync with this new itunes (which has all my apps already transfered) but im scared that i will lose all the data on the apps. so would it be like buying the app brand new again or will i still have all my data?

this is just for Dead Space that i recently got and am pretty far in but dont want to start all over. Amazing app btw.

I am also jailbroken and all these apps are cracked, which scares me also.

Thank you to anyone that helps :)
If you didn't have cracked apps then you would just need to find your backup file from our old computer and transfer it to your new one...
I have already backed my iphone up on this new itunes? but im still worried because it says that it will delete all my things and sync with this one?