Trying to jailbreak an iPhone 3

Trying to jailbreak an iPhone 3


New Member
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Jun 9, 2013
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Hi all

I'm trying to get an old iPhone 3g going. I bought on ebay (I live in a country where it was easier to do this than to buy locally, I use it in a country where AT&T doesn't operate though) years ago and jailbroke it just fine. I put in a draw and forgot about it.

I'm really keen to get it going again but I'm having a few problems. When I plug it in to iTunes I get the message "We're sorry, we are unable to continue with your activation at this time."

I've tried to jailbreak it with Redsn0w but I'm stuck. I can't enter DFU mode. I've tried again and again over the course of an hour, made absolutely sure I'm following the instructions but my phone just switches off. So I've tried creating a DFU IPSW with RedSn0w except when I go to use it, I get the warning:

"This IPSW is not supported by this version of Redsn0w" (.14b2). I've tried to use the IPSW with older versions of Redsn0w and it comes up with "unable to recognize specified IPSW".

I would be so immensely greatful if someone could explain what I can do from here. Is there something that would be preventing my phone from going in to DFU mode? Where should I go from here? I really only want to use it for music so if there's a solution that involves being unable to use the phone for calls or texting I'm 100% fine with it.

DFU mode can only be done when the device is connected

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