Turn-by-turn navigation on Apple Maps finally hits Australia

Turn-by-turn navigation on Apple Maps finally hits Australia


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Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
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Gold Coast Australia

Apple upgraded the Maps App for Australian users over night "under the radar " (silent update) so it now supports turn by turn in Australia

APPLE'S turn-by-turn navigation feature in its Maps apps is finally working in Australia.
Looking up directions on the app, choosing driving directions and pressing start now displays large green boxes at the top of the display. Users can flick through the boxes to display different parts of the journey.

The phone issues turn-by-turn directions on the screen, read aloud in a Siri-style voice. Turn-by-turn navigation is only available on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad 2 or later with cellular data capability. If you're using an iPhone 4 then Apple Maps will calculate routes and display turning information, but it won't update automatically as you drive

Read more: Hands on: Apple Maps turn-by-turn

Australia is understood to be the last of the major countries to receive the upgrade, which was announced at Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5 and its iOS6 mobile operating system in September.

Reported by SMH Australia
TBH, Apple Maps has stepped up quite a bit, good job Apple, but nonetheless, it's still not as extensive as Google Maps since it's more detailed. But, with turn by turn, both Apple and Google'll dominate the GPS world as well. I mean about 70% of the world is using a mobile device that uses either Apple or Google Maps, so they'll have a phone, entertainment system and a GPS in one on the go all the time, it's only a matter of time before Magellan, Garmin, Navigon and all the major GPS companies will have to rely strictly on aerial clienteles. Truckers, government servants, the military and all are already using iPads and iPhones for mass communication and navigation. Talk about monopolizing....
I've never been overseas. Well, Hawaii but that's still the U.S. I'd love to visit Australia. I met a couple of girls while vacationing in San Francisco from Australia and they were just so much fun (by fun I don't mean that fun. I wasn't that lucky). My idea of a vacation is going to Streetsboro OH to have breakfast. Oh well.
View attachment 9705

Apple upgraded the Maps App for Australian users over night "under the radar " (silent update) so it now supports turn by turn in Australia

APPLE'S turn-by-turn navigation feature in its Maps apps is finally working in Australia.
Looking up directions on the app, choosing driving directions and pressing start now displays large green boxes at the top of the display. Users can flick through the boxes to display different parts of the journey.

The phone issues turn-by-turn directions on the screen, read aloud in a Siri-style voice. Turn-by-turn navigation is only available on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad 2 or later with cellular data capability. If you're using an iPhone 4 then Apple Maps will calculate routes and display turning information, but it won't update automatically as you drive

Read more: Hands on: Apple Maps turn-by-turn

Australia is understood to be the last of the major countries to receive the upgrade, which was announced at Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5 and its iOS6 mobile operating system in September.

Reported by SMH Australia

I can imagine the instructions now.... "drive straight for a 1000 miles..... at the junction turn left for 500 miles.... " lol
View attachment 9705

Apple upgraded the Maps App for Australian users over night "under the radar " (silent update) so it now supports turn by turn in Australia

APPLE'S turn-by-turn navigation feature in its Maps apps is finally working in Australia.
Looking up directions on the app, choosing driving directions and pressing start now displays large green boxes at the top of the display. Users can flick through the boxes to display different parts of the journey.

The phone issues turn-by-turn directions on the screen, read aloud in a Siri-style voice. Turn-by-turn navigation is only available on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad 2 or later with cellular data capability. If you're using an iPhone 4 then Apple Maps will calculate routes and display turning information, but it won't update automatically as you drive

Read more: Hands on: Apple Maps turn-by-turn

Australia is understood to be the last of the major countries to receive the upgrade, which was announced at Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5 and its iOS6 mobile operating system in September.

Reported by SMH Australia

Just tried it out over the ditch from Australia here in N Z, and it is working here too. Looks pretty accurate so far.

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
Woohoo, about time! Half a month later than scheduled but finally here! :) Now I just have to go for a drive and see how it fares.
I can imagine the instructions now.... "drive straight for a 1000 miles..... at the junction turn left for 500 miles.... " lol
And more.....
Turn right at the next stump in approx 1400 kl
Follow the road across 8 river beds. Be aware of crocodiles
"Traffic report" 300 'kangaroos blocking highway recommend alternative route......

I love our wide open spaces.......


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