Twitter Announces New Stickers Photo Editing Feature

Twitter Announces New Stickers Photo Editing Feature


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Jun 18, 2010
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Twitter launches stickers.webp

The official Twitter blog has today announced a new #Stickers photo editing feature, which its calling “a fun new way to add creativity to your photos and connect them to the world on Twitter.”

Once the new feature rolls out over the next few weeks, you’ll be able to browse from the rotating set of stickers and use them in your real-time conversations, choosing from a library of hundreds of accessories, emoji, and props to add to your photos.

You can use as many different stickers on a photo as you want (or as many as you can manage to fit on!). You can also resize and rotate the stickers.

When you Tweet a photo that has been stickered, it will be searchable in a new, visual way. If you tap on a sticker in a Tweet you’ll click through to a separate timeline where you can see all the different ways people on Twitter have been using that particular sticker, just like you would with a regular hashtag.

Source: Introducing #Stickers on Twitter | Twitter Blogs

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