Two iPhones syncing on one PC

Two iPhones syncing on one PC


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Oct 19, 2011
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My wife and I have always had our own separate PCs which we used to sync our respective iPhones to. My laptop is about to bit the dust so I wanted to ask you more experienced folks how it works to have two iPhones syncing to a single PC (I would use my wifes PC for iTunes, syncing, etc). With all of the new iCloud stuff, I wasn't sure how that all worked. Once I connect my iPhone, will it create a separate library for me? Will I have to wipe my iPhone during this initial connection and start from scratch?

Any suggestions on how to best go about this would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


(She has a 3GS and I have a 4... both at IOS 5)
iTunes backs up based on Phone ID. So that won't be an issue. I have 3 iPhones, 1 iPad 2, 1 iPod Touch and 2 iPods all connected to the same install of iTunes.
Thanks for the response Skull! So when I first connect my iPhone to my wifes PC, will everything on my iPhone transfer to my wifes PC (songs, movies, apps, etc)? I have media on my iPhone that she doesn't have on hers (or her PC).
It should if it was bought thru iTunes. I am not sure about music that was loaded thru ripped CDs however.
One more question... Does my wife and I need to use the same apple account or does it matter? With separate pcs, we had two different apple store accounts.

Also, same question about iCloud. Do we use the same iCloud account or does each devise have its own account?

Thanks again.