two phones both messed up!

two phones both messed up!


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Jan 21, 2014
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I am new to iMessage, and I think I have my wife's phone and my phone messed up!

When I send my wife an iMessage, I get the message as well. When she sends me a message, she gets a popup menu to either Close or reply. I don't see that when I send a message.

Also, we both get a new number in the iMessage queue. It looks like this: +(555) 555-5555

She has her own Apple ID, iCloud email address, and email address. I have the same.

I am wondering if we should both try to start over from scratch and start as a new phone?

It depends on what you want to accomplish. I have my wife's phone and mine set up with an ours, hers, and his icloud. So we share contacts, calendars, photos, and find my phone.
The ours is the first account loaded into the phone. I turn off mail and safari but share everything else. Then I load our respective his/her icloud account and only turn on mail and safari. You can then go into iMessage and FaceTime and select you respective his/her account. This will let you share mos things but still have your own iMessage etc. You could pick what ever you do or don't want to share also, this is just how mine is setup.
The biggest problem with my setup is icloud storage space. There isn't enough room to fully back up both phones. But I have pared down the backups to stuff that I really don't want to lose. A lot of stuff is already backed up in another cloud of sorts, like Facebook or any game tied into it.

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