Unable to purchase apps on Cydia

Unable to purchase apps on Cydia


New Member
Thread Starter
Feb 20, 2012
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For some reason, can't purchase apps on Cydia. I authenticated with both facebook and google, previously purchased apps show up in my account but everytime I now try to download a paid app, it doesn't show the window with the purchase options. Instead it goes right to download/install/confirm and then of course won't work.

Is my cydia somehow 'corrupted'? Is there a fix? Can I 'un-install' cydia, or do I have to do a complete restore iPhone 4s to original factory settings and then re-JB with absinthe? Appreciate some advice...driving me nuts as several new and old tweaks that I'd like to try.

Many thanks in advance for some help.
as long as you download from the legit repo you will be prompted to purchase the app with paypal or amazon
They are legit but still no luck. Anyway, spent last 2 hrs to restore iPhone, reinstall Cydia, downloads all my tweaks, including a variety of paid apps from prior purchase along with some new ones. iPhone is now pristine...although I am still baffled at what happened to bar me earlier from making purchases.
if they are apps you have purchased before it does skip the purchased and says "install"

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