Unable to update apps on iPhone from apps store

Unable to update apps on iPhone from apps store


Thread Starter
Dec 6, 2010
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In the last few weeks I've been unable to update my app on both my jailbroken iPhones from the app store with purchases that I made, Anyone else having this issue? I remember a few weeks ago I had to click accept a new T & C before I could update my app on that day....err I didn't actually read it!

I'm on IOS 7.0.6
A lot of people on iOS 7.x are having issues updating apps in the AppStore.

The only solution that seems to work is to search for the app needing the update in the AppStore, open the details page and then press the Update button that is there. Or, you can delete the app and then re-download it...

I've heard that this does not update the "Update" button, but it definitely puts the newer version on your phone.

No one knows why this is occurring and Apple has not mentioned this as an issue.

Regardless, hope this helps.

Hey Micky330 that worked great, thanks for that.

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