update gets stuck before even started

update gets stuck before even started


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 27, 2011
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My iphone 3g is still on version 3.1.2, I'm trying to update to 4.2 but iTunes gets stuck every time.
I've tried about 15 times and every time the same thing happens: itunes first wants to make a copy, I cant skip that like you can with synchronizing, than for about a hour I get a green bar showing its suppose to be doing something but the bar is not moving, and then I get a message: there is a fault and it wont make a copy. (No info about what kind of fault) Then iTunes shuts down.
So I dont even get to the part where the update should begin.

Anyone know a way around the making of a copy? Or something else I can do so I can update the software?

Thanks in advance, Nina

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