Using iCloud to share photos and videos

Using iCloud to share photos and videos

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Oct 29, 2014
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When I set up iCloud several weeks ago, I ticked iCloud Drive and under Photos, I ticked:
- My Photo Stream
- Download new photos to My PC
- Upload new photos from my PC
- iCloud Photo Sharing
Some questions:
1. What is iCloud Drive?
2. Why is it that only photos I have taken on my iPhone in the past 3 days show up on my PC’s My Pictures / iCloud Photos / Downloads folder? Where are all my videos? Where are the photos I took last month?
3. Can I configure iCloud so that if I move a photo or video from PC’s My Pictures / iCloud Photos / Downloads folder, it gets automatically deleted from my iPhone?
iCloud Drive is for syncing files between devices which are connected to iCloud. You can also access iCloud Drive online, via browser on a computer.

Depending on the size of your videos, they need longer to sync to other devices. iCloud only syncs when connected to Wi-Fi, so if you're not connected, the process is disrupted.

Where did you save the photos from last month? You can't use iCloud to store them, iCloud is only for syncing images.
If you only use PhotoStream, the images will disappear after 30 days. They don't stay there forever. There's also a limit to the number of images synced by PhotoStream.

You can't configure iCloud so that it removes photos automatically.
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