Very 1st iPhone 4g 2 Days Ago.... Should I Install iOS 5

Very 1st iPhone 4g 2 Days Ago.... Should I Install iOS 5


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Oct 18, 2011
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This is my very 1st post and I am sure there will be more.

I have not done much on my phone I got a iTunes account and have been playing with it for the last 2 days. I have seen iOS 5....... Should I download that and install it and continue my learning using it?

Thanks for your help
ios 5 brings a lot of good extra features that is worth upgrading to. I would install it
You probably mean iPhone 4S.
Maybe not sure.. To do it on the newest iPhone which is only out for a couple of days.
Also, you have to be aware of the warranty you have with Apple.
Thanks....... It not 4s jst the 4g......... I went and upgraded to 5.0 it was easy for me to do because I knew no better........ LoL
Thanks....... It not 4s jst the 4g......... I went and upgraded to 5.0 it was easy for me to do because I knew no better........ LoL

Just FYI the iPhone 4s ships with 5.0 and never had any of the 4.xx firmwares on it so all you did was restore but it does not matter
If your planning to jailbreak your phone, I would recommend staying with your current firmware until an untethered jailbreak is out. There is a tethered jailbreak for iOS 5 if your still interested in updating.