VideoStory 2.0, a free iOS app that empowers users to create beautiful and engaging photo slideshows with video transitions and music, custom built for Instagram VideoVideoStory 2.0, a free iOS app that empowers users to create beautiful and engaging photo slideshows with video transitions and music, custom built for Instagram Video, is released.
VideoStory is agreat way of showing a particular moment in pictures and with music. Forexample the memories from the last trip to Las Vegas can be reenacted in a short 15seconds video accompanied by a great music track from iTunes and then shared onInstagram.
The recentlyintroduced video feature of Instagram is quickly becoming as popular as theoriginal photo sharing feature that made Instagram into one of the greatestsocial networks of our time. Besides recording a video from inside theInstagram app, the user can now use VideoStory to create a unique and engagingvideo story with photos and music, tailor made for sharing on Instagram.Additionally, the beautiful video filters offered by Instagram can be used toenhance the video story before sharing it.
VideoStory isdesigned as an easy to use three-step wizard. In the first step multiple photoscan be added from the user's Camera Roll or Instagram account, in a singlesession. VideoStory will automatically square the photos and let the userchange the order or adjust the square cropping.
In the second stepthe user can select a delay between photos and add a video transition effectlike Fade, Slide, Cover, Push Left, Push Down, or Zoom Out. A music track fromiTunes can be added in the same step, with the possibility to select thestarting position, add fade-in/out audio effects, and adjust the volume.
In the third stepthe video story can be created, previewed and then sent to the Instagram app.As a convenience feature, the settings can be saved as a video story projectand later reused.
VideoStory v. 2.0has both a free (with in-app purchases) and a Pro version (US$0.99). It's auniversal iOS app that runs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch with support foriOS version 5, 6, and 7.

VideoStory is agreat way of showing a particular moment in pictures and with music. Forexample the memories from the last trip to Las Vegas can be reenacted in a short 15seconds video accompanied by a great music track from iTunes and then shared onInstagram.
The recentlyintroduced video feature of Instagram is quickly becoming as popular as theoriginal photo sharing feature that made Instagram into one of the greatestsocial networks of our time. Besides recording a video from inside theInstagram app, the user can now use VideoStory to create a unique and engagingvideo story with photos and music, tailor made for sharing on Instagram.Additionally, the beautiful video filters offered by Instagram can be used toenhance the video story before sharing it.
VideoStory isdesigned as an easy to use three-step wizard. In the first step multiple photoscan be added from the user's Camera Roll or Instagram account, in a singlesession. VideoStory will automatically square the photos and let the userchange the order or adjust the square cropping.
In the second stepthe user can select a delay between photos and add a video transition effectlike Fade, Slide, Cover, Push Left, Push Down, or Zoom Out. A music track fromiTunes can be added in the same step, with the possibility to select thestarting position, add fade-in/out audio effects, and adjust the volume.
In the third stepthe video story can be created, previewed and then sent to the Instagram app.As a convenience feature, the settings can be saved as a video story projectand later reused.
VideoStory v. 2.0has both a free (with in-app purchases) and a Pro version (US$0.99). It's auniversal iOS app that runs on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch with support foriOS version 5, 6, and 7.