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Jun 15, 2013
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N.E. Derbyshire
Hello everyone,
I recently upgraded from my BB 9780 to an iPhone 5 with Vodafone. It arrived 4 days ago and I was really pleased. Vodafone 3g coverage is pretty good where I live so I thought I can't go wrong. Easy to set up and restore contacts apps etc. from my iPad. Once I had done all this I thought the nano sim would be automatically activated but I was wrong so a trip to my local Vodafone shop was made. Before I go on, this is not a Vodafone knocking post, in fact the customer service has been very good. Anyway, at the store I explained my situation and the assistant took out the sim and replaced it with one from the store then 'red boxed' my iPhone with my BB. Great, I could now get on with things, not!
In the town centre, 3G coverage was great as usual, I got home where normally we also have good 3G coverage but all I got was a small circle, indicating, I believe, not Internet service. It took ages to access the Internet and emails. Everything was slow due to, all of a sudden, no 3G. A quick call to Vodafone where I was told my settings were wrong and they were changed as per advice.
Still no change, and even though I went to my friend's house down the road where both he and his wife had an excellent 3G signal, I had the cursed small circle! Bother! Another call and thus time I was advised that it was probably the SIM card. Off to the store where I was then told the iPhone 5 isn't really that good, and in the words of the assistant, 'I have a 4s and they are a lot better, the 5 is not very good', also the settings were wrong and he changed them back to what they were. Right hand, left hand? I certainly didn't need that so I decided to return the phone which I am in the process of doing, waiting out the next two months to terminate my contract with Vodafone and look for another provider and better deal.
Please any advice would be gratefully received as I do want an iPhone 5. There again, in 2 months time there may be the iPhone 5s.
The iPhone 5 has been nothing but wonderful for me. My girlfriend has the 4S and she's pretty jealous of my device... It performs better In every way imaginable. Keep in mind, the 4S is a great device, but that store assistant might be slightly biased since she still has a 4S herself...

Any who, I'm not positive at what could be the issues with your service. Your carrier should be able to set up your sim and carrier settings properly. Go to your carrier and ask for management next time. See that he/she makes sure your settings are correct. If they are and you're still having reception issues, it could need a new sim, or just be an hardware issue..

Either way, Apple will replace your unit under warranty if proven to be faulty.
i agree with what Darkstar just said,iphone 5 is a great device and i think you have been give misleading information,if it was me i would go back or ring the store and tell them you're not happy with the experience you had and ask them outright what they are prepared to do for you if they wish to retain you as a customer....edit-as Darkstar suggested ask to speak to a manager.
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The iPhone 5 has been nothing but wonderful for me. My girlfriend has the 4S and she's pretty jealous of my device... It performs better In every way imaginable. Keep in mind, the 4S is a great device, but that store assistant might be slightly biased since she still has a 4S herself...

Any who, I'm not positive at what could be the issues with your service. Your carrier should be able to set up your sim and carrier settings properly. Go to your carrier and ask for management next time. See that he/she makes sure your settings are correct. If they are and you're still having reception issues, it could need a new sim, or just be an hardware issue..

Either way, Apple will replace your unit under warranty if proven to be faulty.
Thanks for this, Darkstar, there was a lot more toing and froing than I mentioned. I didn't go into too much detail otherwise I would have been writing War & Peace ;)

I do have faith in Apple products, purchasing and using an iPad steered me towards getting the iPhone 5. One thing I was told by of the many Vodafone customer service assistants was that the 5 was ready for UK 4G which is only the equivalent if the US 3G. I thought how bizarre! Lots of other things I was told, contradicted what others previously told me. One guy actually said that Vodafone are soon launching its 4G service. I did point out that I had no faith in that as the 3G service was the one I was having problems with.

As I said, I will now be waiting for my contract to terminate in order to look around for the best deal. I did have a nose into Three and was offered a better deal than with Vodafone, as someone has pointed out with unlimited data. I always steered away from them due to past bad press but Three seem to have overcome its teething problems. Time will tell.
i'm with Three Mike and their customer service is very good,coverage can be a little bit patchy around the country but i'm told by friends on other networks that they find the same thing,i can recommend Three,i have been with them for quite some time now,hope that helps.
i agree with what Darkstar just said,iphone 5 is a great device and i think you have been give misleading information,if it was me i would go back or ring the store and tell them you're not happy with the experience you had and ask them outright what they are prepared to do for you if they wish to retain you as a customer....edit-as Darkstar suggested ask to speak to a manager.
To be honest, I can't be bothered with all the hassle. My philosophy is if I receive a bad product or service, don't go back. Even one of the customer service assistants said I was being fobbed off! No problem, I wait and change. Vodafone loss, not mine. They don't seem too bothered anyway. Whoa, this is turning out to be a Vodafone knocking post yet I did receive good service from the majority of staff I came into contact with.
With regards to the misleading information, I was given this by two or three customer service staff and the guy in the store. It did not inspire with confidence to pursue anything further :(
Time will tell.
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i'm with Three Mike and their customer service is very good,coverage can be a little bit patchy around the country but i'm told by friends on other networks that they find the same thing,i can recommend Three,i have been with them for quite some time now,hope that helps.
Certainly looking at Three, PI :)
To be honest, I can't be bothered with all the hassle. My philosophy is if I receive a bad product or service, don' go back. Even one of the customer service assistants said I was being fobbed off! No problem, I wait and change. Vodafone loss, not mine. They don't seem too bothered anyway. Whoa, this is turning out to be a Vodafone knocking post yet I did receive good service from the majority of staff I came into contact with.
With regards to the misleading information, I was given this by two or three customer service staff and the guy in the store. It did not inspire with confidence to pursue anything further :(
Time will tell.
well hope it turns out ok for you.....i don't blame you for not wanting the hassle,i was going by how i would handle it,i'm like a dog with a bone,i never let anything go until i get satisfaction lol.
I'm with Voda AUS,have an iPhone5 and use 3G a lot - no issues.

Strange what happened in your case.
I'm with Voda AUS,have an iPhone5 and use 3G a lot - no issues.

Strange what happened in your case.
Yes, as I didn't pursue it, I do not know if it was an issue with the sim or whether the phone was faulty. Anyway, it is being returned and I can wait a couple of months for my iPhone.

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