If Siri works anywhere near as well on the iPhone 4s as yesterday's demo would have us believe, that would be incredible. As for myself, I'm going to be sticking to my iPhone 4 for about another year and a half through the end of my 2 year contract with Verizon. As I mentioned in a thread several months ago, I've found the voice recognition on the iP 4 to be terrible. I can't even use it to initiate bluetooth calls over my Jabra car speakerphone for fear of it dialing someone that I had not intended. I think my iP 4 is great, but voice recognition is the biggest letdown of the phone. My old LG VX-8300 "dumb" phone was 1000% better.
The big question in my mind is whether the problems with voice recognition in the iP 4 are more hardware or software related. One thing I will do is install iOS 5. Does anyone who's been beta testing iOS 5 know if there have been any improvements made to the standard voice recognition (not Siri) that will make a significant difference in the iP 4's ability to recognize and respond to voice commands?
The big question in my mind is whether the problems with voice recognition in the iP 4 are more hardware or software related. One thing I will do is install iOS 5. Does anyone who's been beta testing iOS 5 know if there have been any improvements made to the standard voice recognition (not Siri) that will make a significant difference in the iP 4's ability to recognize and respond to voice commands?