Water damage

Water damage


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Jul 19, 2012
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My wife's phone got water damaged when we were at the shore. A local shop did a "water damage" service to it. They took it apart and analyzes the parts replace anything damaged for one fee. Got the phone back and had an issue with the charging port. They replace the charging port. Get it back and have issues with the microphone. They replace charging port and microphone again. They also replace battery whih was practically melted. Get phone back home and having issue with mic again. Can only make calls on speaker phone mode. I google the symptoms of the phone and results tell me headphone jack is bad causing it to cancel out the mic unless on speakerphone. I call the store back up they argue it then talk to the owner who agrees with me I bring the phone back in they replace the headphone jack put the phone back together and now the volume down button appears to be staying pressed down. Guy claims the part can't be bad and he didn't install it improperly and that was the only one they had so he can't try it again. Refunds half my money for their services and renders the phone completely damaged in his eyes. I think he's wrong and that he installed the last part incorrectly. Can any body confirm my thinkings.
Unfortunately... we can't really confirm or deny your thoughts on this matter. Once any electronic device hits the water... the chances of bringing it back are slim. In your case, seems as though you hooked up w/ a repair shop that doesn't know very much about internal repairs.
I'm thinking the owner might have a little more experience with the internals. But he's almost never there. The guy who did the repairs admitted he never did one of the headphone jacks before. And it took him well over two hours and he had to partially dismantle the phone several times putting it back together because he put something back in wrong. That is also leading me to think he might have damaged something during the repair. On my wife's behalf the phone never got submerged. She had it with her on the beach and simply got a small amount of water exposure. None of the water indicators were red on the inside but you could see where a small amount of salt water corroded the charging port and I'm thinking the same thing happened with the headphone jack a small amount might have just ruined the contacts on it. This is too why I believe the main board is still in good condition.
I undersrtand completely what you're going through. Have you thought any about working on it yourself? The parts aren't very expensive and we can direct you to good step by step tutorials on replacing parts.
That's what I'm currently debating. I fixed my 3G phones and I looked at the tutorial last night and it does look to be a pain to do. Something like 22 steps and a ton of little screws. I might also go up to the local apple store and see what they charge. Somebody that's a little more versed in this might be able to ban it out in no time.

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