what are the best security apps for iphone

what are the best security apps for iphone


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Mar 31, 2012
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just wondering how to keep mine safe. free or paid, i dont mind as long as its secure.
I am not sure about a stock iPhone but for a jailbroken iPhone, Cylay is the most ingenius security app I have ever used.
I have no idea what Jailbroken means so I guess mine is a stock iphone. Question is: is an anti-virus product needed to protect it?
cgtiger said:
I have no idea what Jailbroken means so I guess mine is a stock iphone. Question is: is an anti-virus product needed to protect it?

Lol. No. You do not have a "virus" I assure you. You cannot get a virus. Malware can happen...but that is pretty much slim to none that that is gonna happen.