What if celebrities were iPhone games?

What if celebrities were iPhone games?


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Jun 10, 2011
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Wanted to share a really funny post I found. I came across it because my game Quackville! was mentioned in it. But I'm glad I did. It's a funny top 10 list (especially #1)...

Can you guess which iOS game Charlie Sheen is? Implode! HA! funny stuff. You gotta see who Stick Wars is!

What i celebrities were iPhone games >> What if... celebrities were iPad games
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Thanks for the share... I'll check it out. Is there one for Australian politicians? :)
That's awesome to have your game mentioned! WELL DONE!
That's awesome to have your game mentioned! WELL DONE!

*Update: Turns out I know the guy that posted it, so it's not that amazing. Funny, it popped up on my rss and I was all excited. Ha! Oh well, still really funny. I enjoyed it.

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