What phone should i buy?

What phone should i buy?


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Sep 8, 2011
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Interested in the HTC Titan with Windows or the iPhone 5. Help
cant say I have used the htc but my cousin has a windows phone and it is pretty good but was annoying to use.
Did he happen to 'jailbreak' it? I'm currently using a 3Gs and was wondering if the hacked features compare
she did not really know what she was doing... jailbreak a windows phone? I dont think she would do anything like that even if she knew what she was doing lol..

with the windows phone its like having a little laptop on you all the time and pretty much most windows apps are on there like media player and it has a good amount of apps available. But I just found it annoying to use.

The HTC I know some one who has one and says its only good for the internet and making calls was terrible.

But What I would advise is maybe to go into a store and look at all phones. well apart from the 5 as it dos not exist yet
Is this type of question in a forum always doomed? :)

Tbh as it depends a lot on your own preferences and what you hope to get from it, also where you might compromise, and that goes for most things you buy.

Take my my wife's underpants (if you've got a sail boat), now she don't like having a label that states size XXXL, so buys 'M' - and has not breathed properly for years.

You could ask which bike, car or house to buy, I might say get a White Ford Focus CC3 as example, so you go out and buy one but you hate the colour and leather trim (being married for 40 years - you get this cynical ;) ).

best advice is go into a large store to browse, handle, use get the 'feel', then you will defiantly buy the Apple Product

:). :). :)
Get a Samsung galaxy gio with optus than unlock it


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crowd pleaser said:
Is this type of question in a forum always doomed? :)

Tbh as it depends a lot on your own preferences and what you hope to get from it, also where you might compromise, and that goes for most things you buy.

Take my my wife's underpants (if you've got a sail boat), now she don't like having a label that states size XXXL, so buys 'M' - and has not breathed properly for years.

You could ask which bike, car or house to buy, I might say get a White Ford Focus CC3 as example, so you go out and buy one but you hate the colour and leather trim (being married for 40 years - you get this cynical ;) ).

best advice is go into a large store to browse, handle, use get the 'feel', then you will defiantly buy the Apple Product

:). :). :)

That's good. Lol
I should have worded my post differently, I was expecting for opinions on both phones and experiences with said phone if any of you have studied up on them.
Iphone of course, if you have more money that is. Otherwise go for htc. Simple as that.
Ginnetti said:
I should have worded my post differently, I was expecting for opinions on both phones and experiences with said phone if any of you have studied up on them.

In a way you have been prudent, iPhone has no flash, Android has but buggy.

High end Android are similar to IPhone prices, so if feel and look is 'even's' to you (the one that matters ;) ).

now look at what you want to get from your phone and if the apps are available for that platform and better than the alternatives, Games players are fairly well catered for, but Apple business App's have a far wider choice and range, that may change but as I understand it writting for android carries problems of so many revisions and makers, and a big reason the iOS is more stable a platform.
Ginnetti said:
Interested in the HTC Titan with Windows or the iPhone 5. Help

They are all good and I have seen the reviews from every single one of them but recently a video has been uploaded on YouTube and it is pretty cool. It shows the features of the iPhone 5 . If these things are true and not stuff to make some views then this is the future phone! You should buy the iPhone 5 but it would be expensive though...

We can tell you what we'd recommend, but it'd be best if you went and tried the devices out for yourself! :D! That way you know you'll be happy with your decision!
darkstar2007 said:
We can tell you what we'd recommend, but it'd be best if you went and tried the devices out for yourself! :D! That way you know you'll be happy with your decision!


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