White iPhone 4 Finally On Sale as Apple Explains Delay

White iPhone 4 Finally On Sale as Apple Explains Delay


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Jun 18, 2010
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The white iPhone 4 has finally arrived in stores and online, with lines forming in some countries just as they did with the black iPhone 4. Check out the video above courtesy of MacRumors to see the excitement in Hong Kong when the phone went on sale. Meanwhile, Apple senior vice president Phil Schiller has been explaining just why we had to wait an extra 10 months for the white phone, during an interview with All Things Digital yesterday.

“It’s not as simple as making something white,” Schiller told Ina Fried at ATD. “There’s a lot more that goes into both the material science of it - how it holds up over time… but also how it all works with the sensors.”

According to Schiller, one of the problems was the fact that white iPhones need extra UV protection from the sun. Who would have thought?! Whatever the reason, the timing of release could actually prove to be very fortuitous for Apple. John Paczkowski, also on All Things Digital, quotes Ticonderoga analyst Brian White, who predicts that the magic of the white iPhone could actually drive iPhone sales by over a million units in the June quarter due to the device’s “mystique and scarcity value.”

Source: White iPhone 4 Sales Officially Begin [Updated] - Mac Rumors, Apple's Jobs and Schiller On Why Making the White iPhone Was So Darn Tough | Ina Fried | Mobilized | AllThingsD, White iPhone may spur Apple sales | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD
In my city, there are a long queue to buy the wihte iphone 4.
there is actually a difference and the white seems to be more thicker... but some just find it ugly in white or black.. imo its ugly in white i am not sure i would be willing to buy in white

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