White iPhone 4 Seen in New York!

White iPhone 4 Seen in New York!


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Ah, New York, New York! It’s a magical place, where sometimes strange, mythical creatures are seen, such as alligators in the sewers, or that lion-guy out of Beauty in the Beast, and now, that rarest of the rare, the White iPhone 4, has also been spotted in midtown Manhattan by the keen-eyed folks at Pocket-lint. Apparently, Pocket-lint saw a man (not Steve Jobs) holding the elusive object in a lift at a press event, and after taking a few snaps of the rare beast, they then approached the owner and asked him about the precious device he was cradling in his mitts. Apparently, although preferring to remain anonymous, the phone’s owner said that Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino is chock full of white iPhone 4s, and a friend of his managed to get him one. He then went on to explain that the reason the rest of the world outside of Cupertino hasn’t been able to get their hands on a white iPhone 4 is because Apple is having problems getting its two suppliers in the Far East to match the white of the home button with the white of the front face plate. So there you have it, mystery explained, thanks to Pocket-lint.

Wouldn’t it be easier if they just got the same company to make both parts? Just a thought!

Source: Pocket-lint
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I fail to see the reason for the excitement for a WHITE iPhone. Just slap a skin on there and you will get the protection that you need and the color that you want.
Rumors of the white Iphone being released on verizon? if that happens that is...

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