White iPhone Delayed Until Later this Year

White iPhone Delayed Until Later this Year


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple has this morning issued the following official statement about the whereabouts of the elusive white iPhone, which it had said would be available by the end of July:
"White models of Apple's new iPhone® 4 have continued to be more challenging to manufacture than we originally expected, and as a result they will not be available until later this year. The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected."
As Engadget recently reported, a story in Chinese newspaper, 21st Century Business Herald, said that the main "challenge" Apple was encountering in the manufacture of the white phones was the fact that Lens Technology, the Chinese company responsible for processing the raw glass needed for the iPhone glass panels, was having problems working out the correct formula of paint thickness and opacity, in order to get the perfect white colour for the cover. Engadget also said that they had received information that when the white iPhone does finally get released, Lens Technology may have trouble meeting demand.

Source: Apple, Engadget
too bad for white ones. so when there is the iphone 5 we will see iphone 4 white ones lol
I kinda had a hunch it would play out like this which is why I just went ahead and ordered a black one. I'll get a styley case and call it good.
i did not expect it to take longer. i had no idea its so hard to make white instead of black
I'm super sad about this happening! Four of 5 of us in the family are buying iPhone 4s in mid-August and I really wanted the white phone (I already have my white bumper). My husband said he'll join the plan and buy the white phone when it comes out and then we can trade sim cards, since he wants the black phone... I hope that works! And I also hope the white phone doesn't exclusively go to Verizon (or T-Mobile) like I read in an article last night... it was just another speculation, but that would really stink for all the AT&T customers that would like the option to have the white version! :photos:

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